Source code for instalooter.looters

# coding: utf-8
"""Instagram looters implementations.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import abc
import atexit
import copy
import functools
import random
import re
import threading
import time
import typing
import warnings

import fs
import six
from requests import Session
from six.moves.queue import Queue
from six.moves.http_cookiejar import FileCookieJar, LWPCookieJar

from . import __author__, __name__ as __appname__, __version__
from ._impl import length_hint, json
from ._uadetect import get_user_agent
from ._utils import NameGenerator, get_shared_data, get_additional_data
from .medias import TimedMediasIterator, MediasIterator
from .pages import ProfileIterator, HashtagIterator
from .pbar import ProgressBar
from .worker import InstaDownloader

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from datetime import datetime
    from typing import (
        Any, Callable, Dict, Iterator, Iterable, List,
        Optional, Text, Tuple, Type, Union)
    from fs.base import FS
    from six.moves.http_cookiejar import CookieJar
    _T = typing.TypeVar("_T")
    _Timeframe = Tuple[Optional[datetime], Optional[datetime]]

__all__ = [

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class InstaLooter(object): """A brutal Instagram looter that raids without API tokens. """ @classmethod def _cachefs(cls): # type: () -> FS """Get the a persistent filesystem to store the program cache. """ url = "usercache://{}:{}:{}".format(__appname__, __author__, __version__) return fs.open_fs(url, create=True) @classmethod def _user_agent(cls): # type: () -> Text """Get the user agent of the default web browser on the local machine. """ cache = cls._cachefs() if not cache.isfile(cls._USERAGENT_FILE): ua = get_user_agent(cache=cache.getsyspath(cls._USERAGENT_FILE)) if ua is None: warnings.warn("Could not detect user agent, using default") ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0" with"user-agent.txt", "w") as f: f.write(ua) with as f: return # str: The name of the user agent file in the cache filesystem _USERAGENT_FILE = "user-agent.txt" # str: The name of the cookie file in the cache filesystem _COOKIE_FILE = "cookies.txt" @classmethod def _init_session(cls, session=None): # type: (Optional[Session]) -> Session """Initialise the given session and load class cookies to its jar. Arguments: session (~requests.Session, optional): a `requests` session, or `None` to create a new one. Returns: ~requests.Session: an initialised session instance. """ session = session or Session() # Load cookies path = cls._cachefs().getsyspath(cls._COOKIE_FILE) session.cookies = LWPCookieJar(path) # type: ignore try: typing.cast(FileCookieJar, session.cookies).load() except IOError: pass session.cookies.clear_expired_cookies() # type: ignore return session @classmethod def _login(cls, username, password, session=None): # type: (str, str, Optional[Session]) -> None """Login with provided credentials and session. Arguments: username (str): the username to log in with. password (str): the password to log in with. session (~requests.Session, optional): the session to use, or `None` to create a new session. Note: Code taken from LevPasha/ """ session = cls._init_session(session) headers = copy.deepcopy(session.headers) homepage = "" login_url = "" enc_password = "#PWD_INSTAGRAM_BROWSER:0:{}:{}".format(time.time(), password) data = {'username': username, 'enc_password': enc_password} try: session.headers.update({ 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.8', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Content-Length': '0', 'Host': '', 'Origin': '', 'Referer': '', 'User-Agent': cls._user_agent(), 'X-Instagram-AJAX': '1', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' }) with session.get(homepage) as res: token = get_shared_data(res.text)['config']['csrf_token'] session.headers.update({'X-CSRFToken': token}) time.sleep(5 * random.random()) # nosec with, data, allow_redirects=True) as login: token = next(c.value for c in login.cookies if == 'csrftoken') session.headers.update({'X-CSRFToken': token}) if not login.ok: raise SystemError("Login error: check your connection") data = json.loads(login.text) if not data.get('authenticated', False): raise ValueError('Login error: check your login data') time.sleep(5 * random.random()) # nosec with session.get(homepage) as res: if res.text.find(username) == -1: raise ValueError('Login error: check your login data') try: typing.cast(FileCookieJar, session.cookies).save() except IOError: pass finally: session.headers = headers @classmethod def _logout(cls, session=None): # type: (Optional[Session]) -> None """Log out from current session. Also deletes the eventual cookie file left in the cache directory, to prevent new connections from using the old session ID. Arguments: session (~requests.Session): the session to use, or `None` to create a new session. Note: Code taken from LevPasha/ """ session = cls._init_session(session) sessionid = cls._sessionid(session) if sessionid is not None: url = "", data={"csrfmiddlewaretoken": sessionid}) cache = cls._cachefs() if cache.exists(cls._COOKIE_FILE): cache.remove(cls._COOKIE_FILE) @classmethod def _logged_in(cls, session=None): # type: (Optional[Session]) -> bool """Check if there is an open Instagram session. Arguments: session (~requests.Session): the session to use, or `None` to create a new session. Returns: bool: `True` if there's an active session, `False` otherwise. """ return cls._sessionid(session) is not None @classmethod def _sessionid(cls, session=None): # type: (Optional[Session]) -> Optional[Text] """Get the ID of the currently opened Instagram session. Arguments: session (~requests.Session): the session to use, or `None` to create a new session. Returns: str or None: the session ID, if any, or `None`. """ _session = cls._init_session(session) _cookies = typing.cast(FileCookieJar, _session.cookies) return next((ck.value for ck in _cookies if ck.domain == "" and == "ds_user_id" and ck.path == "/"), None) def __init__(self, add_metadata=False, # type: bool get_videos=False, # type: bool videos_only=False, # type: bool jobs=16, # type: int template="{id}", # type: Text dump_json=False, # type: bool dump_only=False, # type: bool extended_dump=False, # type: bool session=None # type: Optional[Session] ): # type: (...) -> None """Create a new looter instance. Arguments: add_metadata (bool): Add date and comment metadata to the downloaded pictures. get_videos (bool): Also get the videos from the given target. videos_only (bool): Only download videos (implies ``get_videos=True``). jobs (bool): the number of parallel threads to use to download media (12 or more is advised to have a true parallel download of media files). template (str): a filename format, in Python new-style-formatting format. See the the :ref:`Template` page of the documentation for available keys. dump_json (bool): Save each resource metadata to a JSON file next to the actual image/video. dump_only (bool): Only save metadata and discard the actual resource. extended_dump (bool): Attempt to fetch as much metadata as possible, at the cost of more time. Set to `True` if, for instance, you always want the top comments to be downloaded in the dump. session (~requests.Session or None): a `requests` session, or `None` to create a new one. """ self.add_metadata = add_metadata self.get_videos = get_videos or videos_only self.videos_only = videos_only = jobs self.namegen = NameGenerator(template) self.dump_only = dump_only self.dump_json = dump_json or dump_only self.extended_dump = extended_dump self.session = self._init_session(session) atexit.register(self.session.close) # Set the default webbrowser user agent if self.session.headers['User-Agent'].startswith('python-requests'): self.session.headers['User-Agent'] = self._user_agent() # Get CSRFToken and RHX with self.session.get('') as res: token = get_shared_data(res.text)['config']['csrf_token'] self.session.headers['X-CSRFToken'] = token self.rhx = get_shared_data(res.text).get('rhx_gis', '')
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def pages(self): # type: () -> Iterator[Dict[Text, Any]] """Obtain an iterator over Instagram post pages. Returns: PageIterator: an iterator over the instagram post pages. """ return NotImplemented
def _medias(self, pages_iterator, # type: Iterable[Dict[Text, Any]] timeframe=None # type: Optional[_Timeframe] ): # type: (...) -> Iterator[Dict[Text, Any]] """Obtain an iterator over the medias of the given pages iterator. Arguments: pages_iterator (Iterator): an iterator over the Instagram pages, returned by `InstaLooter.pages` Returns: MediasIterator: an iterator over the medias in every pages. """ if timeframe is not None: return TimedMediasIterator(pages_iterator, timeframe) return MediasIterator(pages_iterator)
[docs] def medias(self, timeframe=None): # type: (Optional[_Timeframe]) -> Iterator[Dict[Text, Any]] """Obtain an iterator over the Instagram medias. Wraps the iterator returned by `InstaLooter.pages` to seamlessly iterate over the medias of all the pages. Returns: MediasIterator: an iterator over the medias in every pages. """ return self._medias(self.pages(), timeframe)
[docs] def get_post_info(self, code): # type: (str) -> dict """Get media information from a given post code. Arguments: code (str): the code of the post (can be obtained either from the ``shortcode`` attribute of media dictionaries, or from a post URL: ``<code>/``) Returns: dict: a media dictionaries, in the format used by Instagram. """ url = "{}/".format(code) with self.session.get(url) as res: data = get_shared_data(res.text) if 'graphql' in data['entry_data']['PostPage'][0]: return data['entry_data']['PostPage'][0]['graphql']['shortcode_media'] data = get_additional_data(res.text) return data['graphql']['shortcode_media']
[docs] def download_pictures(self, destination, # type: Union[str, fs.base.FS] media_count=None, # type: Optional[int] timeframe=None, # type: Optional[_Timeframe] new_only=False, # type: bool pgpbar_cls=None, # type: Optional[Type[ProgressBar]] dlpbar_cls=None # type: Optional[Type[ProgressBar]] ): # type: (...) -> int """Download all the pictures to the provided destination. Actually a shortcut for `.download` with ``condition`` set to accept only images. """ return destination, condition=lambda media: not media["is_video"], media_count=media_count, timeframe=timeframe, new_only=new_only, pgpbar_cls=pgpbar_cls, dlpbar_cls=dlpbar_cls, )
[docs] def download_videos(self, destination, # type: Union[str, fs.base.FS] media_count=None, # type: Optional[int] timeframe=None, # type: Optional[_Timeframe] new_only=False, # type: bool pgpbar_cls=None, # type: Optional[Type[ProgressBar]] dlpbar_cls=None, # type: Optional[Type[ProgressBar]] ): # type: (...) -> int """Download all videos to the provided destination. Actually a shortcut for `.download` with ``condition`` set to accept only videos. """ return destination, condition=lambda media: media["is_video"], media_count=media_count, timeframe=timeframe, new_only=new_only, pgpbar_cls=pgpbar_cls, dlpbar_cls=dlpbar_cls, )
[docs] def download(self, destination, # type: Union[str, fs.base.FS] condition=None, # type: Optional[Callable[[dict], bool]] media_count=None, # type: Optional[int] timeframe=None, # type: Optional[_Timeframe] new_only=False, # type: bool pgpbar_cls=None, # type: Optional[Type[ProgressBar]] dlpbar_cls=None, # type: Optional[Type[ProgressBar]] ): # type: (...) -> int """Download all medias passing ``condition`` to destination. Arguments: destination (~fs.base.FS or str): the filesystem where to store the downloaded files, as a filesystem instance or FS URL. condition (function): the condition to filter the medias with. If `None` is given, a function is created using the ``get_videos`` and ``videos_only`` passed at object initialisation. media_count (int or None): the maximum number of medias to download. Leave to ``None`` to download everything from the target. *Note that more files can be downloaded, since a post with multiple images/videos is considered to be a single media*. timeframe (tuple or None): a tuple of two `~datetime.datetime` objects to enforce a time frame (the first item must be more recent). Leave to `None` to ignore times. new_only (bool): stop media discovery when already downloaded medias are encountered. pgpbar_cls (type or None): an optional `~.pbar.ProgressBar` subclass to use to display page scraping progress. dlpbar_cls (type or None): an optional `~.pbar.ProgressBar` subclass to use to display file download progress. Returns: int: the number of queued medias. May not be equal to the number of downloaded medias if some errors occurred during background download. """ # Open the destination filesystem destination, close_destination = self._init_destfs(destination) # Create an iterator over the pages with an optional progress bar pages_iterator = self.pages() # type: Iterable[Dict[Text, Any]] pages_iterator = pgpbar = self._init_pbar(pages_iterator, pgpbar_cls) # Create an iterator over the medias medias_iterator = self._medias(iter(pages_iterator), timeframe) # Create the media download bar from a dummy iterator dlpbar = self._init_pbar( six.moves.range(length_hint(medias_iterator)), dlpbar_cls) # Start a group of workers workers, queue = self._init_workers( dlpbar if dlpbar_cls is not None else None, destination) # Make sure exiting the main thread will shutdown workers atexit.register(self._shutdown_workers, workers) # Queue all medias medias_queued = self._fill_media_queue( queue, destination, medias_iterator, media_count, new_only, condition) # Once queuing the medias is fininished, finish the page progress bar # and set a new maximum on the download progress bar. if pgpbar_cls is not None: pgpbar.finish() # type: ignore if dlpbar_cls is not None: dlpbar.set_maximum(medias_queued) # type: ignore # If no medias were queued, issue a warning # TODO: refine warning depending on download parameters if medias_queued == 0: warnings.warn("No medias found.") # Add poison pills to the queue and wait for workers to finish self._poison_workers(workers, queue) self._join_workers(workers, queue) # Once downloading is finished, finish the download progress bar # and close the destination if needed. if dlpbar_cls is not None: dlpbar.finish() # type: ignore if close_destination: destination.close() return medias_queued
[docs] def login(self, username, password): # type: (str, str) -> None """Log the instance in using the given credentials. Arguments: username (str): the username to log in with. password (str): the password to log in with. """ self._login(username, password, session=self.session)
[docs] def logout(self): # type: () -> None """Log the instance out from the currently opened session. """ self._logout(session=self.session)
[docs] def logged_in(self): # type: () -> bool """Check if there's an open Instagram session. """ return self._logged_in(self.session)
def _init_pbar(self, it, # type: Iterable[_T] pbar_cls=None, # type: Optional[Type[ProgressBar]] ): # type: (...) -> Iterable[_T] """Wrap an iterable within a `ProgressBar`. Arguments: it (~collections.Iterable): an iterable to wrap. pgpbar_cls (type or None): an optional `ProgressBar` subclass to use, or `None` to avoid using a progress bar. Returns: ~collections.Iterable: the wrapped iterable. """ if pbar_cls is not None: if not issubclass(pbar_cls, ProgressBar): raise TypeError("pbar must implement the ProgressBar interface !") maximum = length_hint(it) it = pbar = pbar_cls(it) pbar.set_maximum(maximum) pbar.set_lock(threading.RLock()) return it def _init_destfs(self, destination, create=True): # type: (Union[str, fs.base.FS], bool) -> Tuple[fs.base.FS, bool] """Open a filesystem either from a FS URL or filesystem instance. Arguments: destination (~fs.base.FS or str): the destination filesystem to open, as a filesystem instance or FS URL. create (bool): whether or not to create a new filesystem if it does not exist. Returns: (~fs.base.FS, bool): the open FS, and whether to close it. """ close_destination = False if isinstance(destination, six.binary_type): destination = destination.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(destination, six.text_type): destination = fs.open_fs(destination, create=create) close_destination = True if not isinstance(destination, fs.base.FS): raise TypeError("<destination> must be a FS URL or FS instance.") return destination, close_destination def _fill_media_queue(self, queue, # type: Queue destination, # type: fs.base.FS medias_iter, # type: Iterable[Any] media_count=None, # type: Optional[int] new_only=False, # type: bool condition=None, # type: Optional[Callable[[dict], bool]] ): # type: (...) -> int """Fill the download queue with medias from the provided iterator. Arguments: queue (~queue.Queue): the download queue to fill. destination (~fs.base.FS): the filesystem where to download the files. medias_iterator (~collections.Iterable): an iterable over the Instagram medias to download. media_count (int or None): the maximum number of new medias to download, or ``None`` to download all discoverable medias. new_only (bool): stop media discovery when a media that was already downloaded is encountered. condition (function or None): the condition to filter the medias with. If `None` is given, a function is created using the ``get_videos`` and ``videos_only`` passed at object initialisation. Returns: int: the number of queued medias. May not be equal to the number of downloaded medias if some errors occurred during downloads. """ # Create a condition from parameters if needed if condition is not None: _condition = condition # type: Callable[[dict], bool] else: if self.videos_only: def _condition(media): return media['is_video'] elif not self.get_videos: def _condition(media): return not media['is_video'] else: def _condition(media): return True # Queue all media filling the condition medias_queued = 0 for media in six.moves.filter(_condition, medias_iter): # Check if the whole post info is required if self.namegen.needs_extended(media) or media["__typename"] != "GraphImage": media = self.get_post_info(media['shortcode']) # Check that sidecar children fit the condition if media['__typename'] == "GraphSidecar": # Check that each node fits the condition for sidecar in media['edge_sidecar_to_children']['edges'][:]: if not _condition(sidecar['node']): media['edge_sidecar_to_children']['edges'].remove(sidecar) # Check that the nodelist is not depleted if not media['edge_sidecar_to_children']['edges']: continue # Check that the file does not exist # FIXME: not working well with sidecar if new_only and destination.exists(self.namegen.file(media)): break # Put the medias in the queue queue.put(media) medias_queued += 1 if media_count is not None and medias_queued >= media_count: break return medias_queued # WORKERS UTILS def _init_workers(self, pbar, # type: Union[ProgressBar, Iterable, None] destination, # type: fs.base.FS ): # type: (...) -> Tuple[List[InstaDownloader], Queue] workers = [] # type: List[InstaDownloader] queue = Queue() # type: Queue for _ in six.moves.range( worker = InstaDownloader( queue=queue, destination=destination, namegen=self.namegen, add_metadata=self.add_metadata, dump_json=self.dump_json, dump_only=self.dump_only, pbar=pbar, session=self.session) worker.start() workers.append(worker) return workers, queue def _poison_workers(self, workers, queue): # type: (List[InstaDownloader], Queue) -> None for worker in workers: queue.put(None) def _join_workers(self, workers, queue): # type: (List[InstaDownloader], Queue) -> None if any(w.is_alive() for w in workers): for worker in workers: worker.join() def _shutdown_workers(self, workers): # type: (List[InstaDownloader]) -> None for worker in workers: worker.terminate()
[docs]class ProfileLooter(InstaLooter): """A looter targeting medias on a user profile. """ def __init__(self, username, **kwargs): # type: (str, **Any) -> None """Create a new profile looter. Arguments: username (str): the username of the profile. See `InstaLooter.__init__` for more details about accepted keyword arguments. """ super(ProfileLooter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._username = username self._owner_id = None
[docs] def pages(self): # type: () -> ProfileIterator """Obtain an iterator over Instagram post pages. Returns: PageIterator: an iterator over the instagram post pages. Raises: ValueError: when the requested user does not exist. RuntimeError: when the user is a private account and there is no logged user (or the logged user does not follow that account). """ if self._owner_id is None: it = ProfileIterator.from_username(self._username, self.session) self._owner_id = it.owner_id return it return ProfileIterator(self._owner_id, self.session, self.rhx)
[docs]class HashtagLooter(InstaLooter): """A looter targeting medias tagged with a hashtag. """ def __init__(self, hashtag, **kwargs): # type: (str, **Any) -> None """Create a new hashtag looter. Arguments: username (str): the hashtag to search for. See `InstaLooter.__init__` for more details about accepted keyword arguments. """ super(HashtagLooter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._hashtag = hashtag
[docs] def pages(self): # noqa: D102 # type: () -> HashtagIterator return HashtagIterator(self._hashtag, self.session, self.rhx)
[docs]class PostLooter(InstaLooter): """A looter targeting a specific post. """ _RX_URL = re.compile( r'(?:https?://)?(?:www\.instagram\.com|instagr\.am)/p/([0-9a-zA-Z_\-]{10,11})' ) _RX_CODE = re.compile( r'^[0-9a-zA-Z_\-]{10,11}$' ) def __init__(self, code, **kwargs): # type: (str, **Any) -> None """Create a new hashtag looter. Arguments: code (str): the code of the post to get. See `InstaLooter.__init__` for more details about accepted keyword arguments. """ super(PostLooter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._info = None # type: Optional[dict] match = self._RX_URL.match(code) if match is not None: self.code = elif self._RX_CODE.match(code) is None: raise ValueError("invalid post code: '{}'".format(code)) else: self.code = code @property def info(self): # type: () -> dict if self._info is None: self._info = self.get_post_info(self.code) return self._info
[docs] def pages(self): # type: () -> Iterator[Dict[Text, Any]] """Return a generator that yields a page with only the refered post. Yields: dict: a page dictionary with only a single media. """ yield {"edge_owner_to_timeline_media": { "count": 1, "page_info": { "has_next_page": False, "end_cursor": None, }, "edges": [ {"node":} ], }}
[docs] def medias(self, timeframe=None): """Return a generator that yields only the refered post. Yields: dict: a media dictionary obtained from the given post. Raises: StopIteration: if the post does not fit the timeframe. """ info = if timeframe is not None: start, end = TimedMediasIterator.get_times(timeframe) timestamp = info.get("taken_at_timestamp") or info["media"] if not (start >= timestamp >= end): raise StopIteration yield info
[docs] def download(self, destination, # type: Union[str, fs.base.FS] condition=None, # type: Optional[Callable[[dict], bool]] media_count=None, # type: Optional[int] timeframe=None, # type: Optional[_Timeframe] new_only=False, # type: bool pgpbar_cls=None, # type: Optional[Type[ProgressBar]] dlpbar_cls=None, # type: Optional[Type[ProgressBar]] ): # type: (...) -> int """Download the refered post to the destination. See `` for argument reference. Note: This function, opposed to other *looter* implementations, will not spawn new threads, but simply use the main thread to download the files. Since a worker is in charge of downloading a *media* at a time (and not a *file*), there would be no point in spawning more. """ destination, close_destination = self._init_destfs(destination) queue = Queue() # type: Queue[Optional[Dict]] medias_queued = self._fill_media_queue( queue, destination, iter(self.medias()), media_count, new_only, condition) queue.put(None) worker = InstaDownloader( queue=queue, destination=destination, namegen=self.namegen, add_metadata=self.add_metadata, dump_json=self.dump_json, dump_only=self.dump_only, pbar=None, session=self.session) return medias_queued