API Reference


Looters (instalooter.looters)

InstaLooter A brutal Instagram looter that raids without API tokens.
HashtagLooter A looter targeting medias tagged with a hashtag.
ProfileLooter A looter targeting medias on a user profile.
PostLooter A looter targeting a specific post.

Command Line Interface (instalooter.cli)

main([argv, stream]) Run from the command line interface.

Batch Runner (instalooter.batch)

BatchRunner Run InstaLooter in batch mode, using a configuration file.


Medias Iterators (instalooter.medias)

MediasIterator An iterator over the medias obtained from a page iterator.
TimedMediasIterator An iterator over the medias within a specific timeframe.

Pages Iterators (instalooter.pages)

PageIterator An abstract Instagram page iterator.
HashtagIterator An iterator over the pages refering to a specific hashtag.
ProfileIterator An iterator over the pages of a user profile.


Progress Bars (instalooter.pbar)

ProgressBar An abstract progess bar used to report interal progress.
TqdmProgressBar A progress bar using the tqdm library.

Background Downloader (instalooter.worker)

InstaDownloader The background InstaLooter worker class.