Periodic downloads ================== ``instaLooter`` may be used to update a local mirror of an instagram account, and as such it may be desired to run it periodically, without needing to update manually. UNIX ---- To support the UNIX philosophy, the program do not implement this feature itself but should integrate well with established alternatives. The following examples make use of either `Cron `_ or `SystemD timers `_. Cron ^^^^ First of all, make sure ``Cron`` is installed, and if not, refer to the package manager of your distribution (if you're on MacOS, give a try to `homebrew `_ if not using it already !). Then, edit ``Cron`` to add a scheduled task: .. code-block:: console $ crontab -e This will open a file using the **$EDITOR** system variable to find a text editor, such as *nano*, *pico*, *vi*, etc. Then, add one line as one of the examples below to run instaLooter periodically (you can add more than one line if you have more than one goal in mind): * Download maximum 3 new ``#funny`` videos to ``~/Videos`` every hour:: @hourly /usr/bin/env python -m instaLooter hashtag funny ~/Videos -N -n 3 -V * Download new pictures w/ metadata from the ``instagram`` account at every reboot:: @reboot /usr/bin/env python -m instaLooter instagram ~/Pictures/instagram -Nm * Use a configuration file to download in :doc:`batch` every week on Sunday, 00:00 :: @weekly /usr/bin/env python -m instaLooter batch ~/myLooter.ini To disable a scheduled task, simply remove the line associated to that task within *crontab*. .. seealso:: * The `CronHowTo `_ hosted on ** for a complete understanding of the crontab line format. SystemD ^^^^^^^ You'll probably use this alternative if your system is already running on top of SystemD. If not, you should probably turn to ``Cron``. Simply check for the existence of a ``systemctl`` executable (e.g. running ``systemctl --help``) to see if you're using SystemD. Create a new service file, either in ``/etc/systemd/system/`` for system-wide jobs, or in ``~/.config/systemd/user/`` for user-only jobs, named for instance ``looter.service`` (you can use any name as long as the file has a *.service* extension), with the following content: .. code-block:: ini [Unit] Description=my custom periodic instagram looter [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/usr/bin/env python -m instaLooter Make sure the ``instaLooter`` module is accessible to the ``systemd`` manager, i.e. if you're using system-wide jobs that the module was installed in */usr* (not with ``pip insta --user instaLooter`` but with ``pip install instaLooter``). To test your service, run ``systemctl start looter.service`` (using the name of your file), or ``systemctl --user start looter.service`` if you want to use user-only jobs. There should be no output if everything works fine. If a bug occurs check the logs with *journalctl*: .. code-block:: console # journalctl looter.service $ journalctl --user --user-unit looter.service Once your service works fine, create a timer for your new service, named like and located next to your service file, but with a ``.timer`` extension, and the following content: .. code-block:: ini [Unit] Description=run my custom periodic instagram looter hourly [Timer] # Time to wait after booting before we run first time OnBootSec=10min # Time between running each consecutive time OnUnitActiveSec=1h Unit=looter.service Finally, enable and start your timer with one of the following commands: .. code-block:: console # systemctl start looter.timer && systemctl enable looter.timer $ systemctl --user start looter.timer && systemctl --user enable looter.timer To disable the timer, use the same command as above, replacing ``start`` with ``stop`` and ``enable`` by ``disable``, and remove the service and timer files if you want to completely uninstall the timer. .. seealso:: * The `SystemD/timers `_ and the whole `SystemD `_ pages on the *Archlinux wiki* for more details about timer and services. * The `post on Jason's blog `_ that helped shaping this tutorial.