
InstaLooter is available from 2 different sources: either a git repository, shared publicly on GitHub, and a Python wheel, available on PyPI. Instructions on how to setup each version are available below.

The python modules pip and setuptools are required before you start installing InstaLooter. Although not strictly required, there will be no explanations on how to setup instaLooter without those.


See the PyPA web page page to install pip if it is not already installed.


Using pip will install InstaLooter with the default Python version. InstaLooter is known to work with Python versions 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5, but encoding errors have been reported with Python 2.7. If you are not familiar with the default Python version on you system, consider enforcing an installation with Python 3 using pip3 instead of pip.

PyPI pypi

If you have super user rights, open up a terminal and type the following:

# pip install instaLooter

If you don’t have admin rights, then type the following to install only for the current user instead:

$ pip install instaLooter --user

If you want to use the exif metadata features, install the metadata extras as well:

$ pip install instaLooter[metadata] --user

GitHub build

With git installed, do the following in a directory on your machine to clone the remote repository and install instaLooter from source:

$ git clone
$ cd InstaLooter

Then use pip to install the local version of the program and all the required dependencies:

# pip install .

To install development dependencies (to test the program and/or build the documentation), use the test and/or doc extras:

$ pip install --user ".[test]"    # install only test dependencies
$ pip install --user ".[doc]"     # install only doc dependencies
$ pip install --user ".[dev]"     # install all dev dependencies