Source code for instalooter.batch

# coding: utf-8
"""Run several jobs sharing a session using a configuration file.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import io
import getpass
import logging
import typing

import six
import verboselogs
from requests import Session

from .looters import HashtagLooter, ProfileLooter
from .pbar import TqdmProgressBar

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from typing import Any, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Text, Type, Union
    from .looter import InstaLooter

#: The module logger
logger = verboselogs.VerboseLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BatchRunner(object): """Run ``InstaLooter`` in batch mode, using a configuration file. """ _CLS_MAP = { 'users': ProfileLooter, 'hashtag': HashtagLooter, } # type: Mapping[Text, Type[InstaLooter]] def __init__(self, handle, args=None): # type: (Any, Optional[Mapping[Text, Any]]) -> None close_handle = False if isinstance(handle, six.binary_type): handle = handle.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(handle, six.text_type): _handle = open(handle) # type: typing.IO close_handle = True else: _handle = handle try: self.args = args or {} self.parser = six.moves.configparser.ConfigParser() getattr(self.parser, "readfp" if six.PY2 else "read_file")(_handle) finally: if close_handle: _handle.close() @typing.overload def _getboolean(self, section_id, key, default): # type: (Text, Text, bool) -> bool pass @typing.overload def _getboolean(self, section_id, key): # type: (Text, Text) -> Optional[bool] pass @typing.overload def _getboolean(self, section_id, key, default): # type: (Text, Text, None) -> Optional[bool] pass def _getboolean(self, section_id, key, default=None): # type: (Text, Text, Optional[bool]) -> Optional[bool] if self.parser.has_option(section_id, key): return self.parser.getboolean(section_id, key) return default @typing.overload def _getint(self, section_id, key, default): # type: (Text, Text, None) -> Optional[int] pass @typing.overload def _getint(self, section_id, key): # type: (Text, Text) -> Optional[int] pass @typing.overload def _getint(self, section_id, key, default): # type: (Text, Text, int) -> int pass def _getint(self, section_id, key, default=None): # type: (Text, Text, Optional[int]) -> Optional[int] if self.parser.has_option(section_id, key): return self.parser.getint(section_id, key) return default @typing.overload def _get(self, section_id, key, default): # type: (Text, Text, None) -> Optional[Text] pass @typing.overload def _get(self, section_id, key): # type: (Text, Text) -> Optional[Text] pass @typing.overload def _get(self, section_id, key, default): # type: (Text, Text, Text) -> Text pass def _get(self, section_id, key, default=None): # type: (Text, Text, Optional[Text]) -> Optional[Text] if self.parser.has_option(section_id, key): return self.parser.get(section_id, key) return default
[docs] def run_all(self): # type: () -> None """Run all the jobs specified in the configuration file. """ logger.debug("Creating batch session") session = Session() for section_id in self.parser.sections(): self.run_job(section_id, session=session)
[docs] def run_job(self, section_id, session=None): # type: (Text, Optional[Session]) -> None """Run a job as described in the section named ``section_id``. Raises: KeyError: when the section could not be found. """ if not self.parser.has_section(section_id): raise KeyError('section not found: {}'.format(section_id)) session = session or Session() for name, looter_cls in six.iteritems(self._CLS_MAP): targets = self.get_targets(self._get(section_id, name)) quiet = self._getboolean( section_id, "quiet", self.args.get("--quiet", False)) if targets:"Launching {} job for section {}".format(name, section_id)) for target, directory in six.iteritems(targets): try:"Downloading {} to {}".format(target, directory)) looter = looter_cls( target, add_metadata=self._getboolean(section_id, 'add-metadata', False), get_videos=self._getboolean(section_id, 'get-videos', False), videos_only=self._getboolean(section_id, 'videos-only', False), jobs=self._getint(section_id, 'jobs', 16), template=self._get(section_id, 'template', '{id}'), dump_json=self._getboolean(section_id, 'dump-json', False), dump_only=self._getboolean(section_id, 'dump-only', False), extended_dump=self._getboolean(section_id, 'extended-dump', False), session=session) if self.parser.has_option(section_id, 'username'): looter.logout() username = self._get(section_id, 'username') password = self._get(section_id, 'password') or \ getpass.getpass('Password for "{}": '.format(username)) looter.login(username, password) n = directory, media_count=self._getint(section_id, 'num-to-dl'), # FIXME: timeframe=self._get(section_id, 'timeframe'), new_only=self._getboolean(section_id, 'new', False), pgpbar_cls=None if quiet else TqdmProgressBar, dlpbar_cls=None if quiet else TqdmProgressBar) logger.success("Downloaded %i medias !", n) except Exception as exception: logger.error(six.text_type(exception))
[docs] def get_targets(self, raw_string): # type: (Optional[Text]) -> Dict[Text, Text] """Extract targets from a string in 'key: value' format. """ targets = {} if raw_string is not None: for line in raw_string.splitlines(): if line: target, directory = line.split(':', 1) targets[target.strip()] = directory.strip() return targets