Source code for instalooter.pages

# coding: utf-8
"""Iterators over Instagram media pages.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import abc
import hashlib
import itertools
import math
import time
import typing

import six
from requests import Session

from ._impl import json
from ._utils import get_shared_data

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, Iterable, Optional, Text

__all__ = [

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class PageIterator(typing.Iterator[typing.Dict[typing.Text, typing.Any]]): """An abstract Instagram page iterator. """ PAGE_SIZE = 50 INTERVAL = 2 _BASE_URL = "" _section_generic = NotImplemented # type: Text _section_media = NotImplemented # type: Text _URL = NotImplemented # type: Text def __init__(self, session, rhx): # type: (Session, Text) -> None self._finished = False self._cursor = None # type: Optional[Text] self._current_page = 0 self._data_it = iter(self._page_loader(session, rhx)) @abc.abstractmethod def _getparams(self, cursor): # type: (Optional[Text]) -> Text return NotImplemented def _page_loader(self, session, rhx): # type: (Session, Text) -> Iterable[Dict[Text, Dict[Text, Any]]] while True: # Cache cursor for later cursor = self._cursor # Query data try: # Prepare the query params = self._getparams(cursor) json_params = json.dumps(params, separators=(',', ':')) magic = "{}:{}".format(rhx, json_params) session.headers['x-instagram-gis'] = hashlib.md5(magic.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() url = self._URL.format(json_params) # Query the server for data with session.get(url) as res: self._last_page = data = res.json() # Yield that same data until cursor is updated while self._cursor == cursor: yield data['data'] except KeyError as e: if data.get('message') == 'rate limited': raise RuntimeError("Query rate exceeded (wait before next run)") time.sleep(10) # Sleep before next query time.sleep(self.INTERVAL) def __length_hint__(self): # type: () -> int try: data = next(self._data_it) c = data[self._section_generic][self._section_media]['count'] total = int(math.ceil(c / self.PAGE_SIZE)) except (StopIteration, TypeError): total = 0 return total - self._current_page def __iter__(self): return self
[docs] def __next__(self): if self._finished: raise StopIteration data = next(self._data_it) try: media_info = data[self._section_generic][self._section_media] except (TypeError, KeyError): self._finished = True raise StopIteration if not media_info['page_info']['has_next_page']: self._finished = True elif not media_info['edges']: self._finished = True raise StopIteration else: self._cursor = media_info['page_info']['end_cursor'] self._current_page += 1 return data[self._section_generic]
if six.PY2: next = __next__
[docs]class HashtagIterator(PageIterator): """An iterator over the pages refering to a specific hashtag. """ _QUERY_ID = "17882293912014529" _URL = "{}?query_id={}&variables={{}}".format(PageIterator._BASE_URL, _QUERY_ID) _section_generic = "hashtag" _section_media = "edge_hashtag_to_media" def __init__(self, hashtag, session, rhx): super(HashtagIterator, self).__init__(session, rhx) self.hashtag = hashtag def _getparams(self, cursor): return { "tag_name": self.hashtag, "first": self.PAGE_SIZE, "after": cursor }
[docs] def __next__(self): item = super(HashtagIterator, self).__next__() for media in item[self._section_media].get("edges", []): media["node"].setdefault( "__typename", "GraphVideo" if media["node"].get("is_video", False) else "GraphImage" ) return item
if six.PY2: next = __next__
[docs]class ProfileIterator(PageIterator): """An iterator over the pages of a user profile. """ _QUERY_HASH = "42323d64886122307be10013ad2dcc44" #_QUERY_HASH = "472f257a40c653c64c666ce877d59d2b" _URL = "{}?query_hash={}&variables={{}}".format(PageIterator._BASE_URL, _QUERY_HASH) _section_generic = "user" _section_media = "edge_owner_to_timeline_media" @classmethod def _user_data(cls, username, session): url = "{}/".format(username) try: with session.get(url) as res: return get_shared_data(res.text) except (ValueError, AttributeError): raise ValueError("user not found: '{}'".format(username)) @classmethod def from_username(cls, username, session): user_data = cls._user_data(username, session) if 'ProfilePage' not in user_data['entry_data']: raise ValueError("user not found: '{}'".format(username)) data = user_data['entry_data']['ProfilePage'][0]['graphql']['user'] if data['is_private'] and not data['followed_by_viewer']: con_id = next((c.value for c in session.cookies if == "ds_user_id"), None) if con_id != data['id']: raise RuntimeError("user '{}' is private".format(username)) return cls(data['id'], session, user_data.get('rhx_gis', '')) def __init__(self, owner_id, session, rhx): super(ProfileIterator, self).__init__(session, rhx) self.owner_id = owner_id def _getparams(self, cursor): return { "id": self.owner_id, "first": self.PAGE_SIZE, "after": cursor, }